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  • You are ready for it.  Tap into the Abundance of what life and the universe have to offer and an endless flow will come your way! *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • As you find balance, you can let go of holding on to what ever is holding you back from your freedom And then you can fly 🦅🦋 *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • Breathing attentively and mindfully is for the betterment of being here... So many of us forget, and find ourselves out of breath.  And so let's go and catch our breath.. *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • It is said that we attract more of what we focus on.  And so, let’s sharpen our lenses... 💎 *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • With gratitude, life is always good.  tap into that place where you are able to feel good , no matter what life has to offer..💜 *Price includes worldwide delivery
  •  Joy is for when we need that spark in our eyes to return, to feel that tingling of happiness for life again... Take your Joy back 🧡💛💖 *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • Whatever I write about love will not succeed in describing its essence.  Love is what is. lets go to find it...💚 *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • Morning is the most precious time of the day, where we can decide how our day will be... so take your time to take time .. and make sure to start in right 💛   *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • Sleep is the most important part of our day..:)) without it we can׳t think or heal or grow. So grab your 'good night sleep in a box' and just dose off gently into a lovely dream.. *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • When we need to clear the space around and inside us and find clarity again, tap into the purity, take time, smell the essence, connect and ground through the crystal..  clear your mind.. and restart ✨ *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • Imagine crawling into a soft puffed up duvet, feeling that ultimate softness hugging you all around.. Softness is what we yearn for when everything is difficult and hard all around us. So here's that duvet for you ... *Price includes worldwide delivery
  • Those days when you need the extra strength to get out of bed, meet with a challenge, or just to be reminded that you have what it takes to get through. you have what it take to get through. lets go to find it.. 🌟💫 *Price includes worldwide delivery


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