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Meditate Box Gratitude

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Meditate Box Gratitude

$ 97.00

With gratitude, life is always good. 

tap into that place where you are able to feel good , no matter what life has to offer..💜

*Price includes worldwide delivery




If there is one essence which truly changes life, it is gratitude. 

With gratitude, life is always good. 

Because no matter what happens, when we have gratitude in our hearts we see the good shining through the cracks. We see the good part of life, and we are thankful for it. 

With gratitude, even in the midst of everything feeling bad, we focus on the good. 

And we bring more of what we focus on into our lives. 

Gratitude is life-changing. It helps us to change our world into a better place, a happier place to live in.

*Price includes worldwide delivery


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